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jobbery Meaning in Tamil ( jobbery வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

மோசடி வகை

jobbery's Usage Examples:

He had brought forward in 1780 a comprehensive scheme of economical reform, with the design of limiting the resources of jobbery and corruption which the crown was able to use to strengthen its own sinister influence in parliament.

He had a stern love of justice, and a determined hatred of everything savouring of jobbery or dishonesty.

The penal laws against the Catholics, the iniquitous restrictions on Irish trade and industry, the selfish factiousness 'of the parliament, the jobbery and corruption of administration, the absenteeism of the landlords, and all the other too familiar elements of that mischievous and fatal system, were then in full force.

Roused by the collapse of the assignats, following upon the ruin of industry and the arrest of commerce, they were still further exasperated by the speculations of the financiers, by the jobbery which prevailed throughout the administration, and by the sale of national property which had profited hardly any but the bourgeoisie.

Many of his paternal ventures led to little more than waste of money, or the creation of hotbeds of jobbery.


corruption, corruptness,


incorruptness, honesty, corrupt,

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