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jealous Meaning in Tamil ( jealous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



jealous தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


jealous's Usage Examples:

The fickleness of Philip and the jealous temper of Olympias led to a growing estrangement, which became complete when Philip married a new wife, Cleopatra, in 337.

Throughout the reign of Arcadius there was estrangement and jealousy between the two brothers or their governments.

The security of the treasury was also so jealously scrutinized that even the price which the tenant might be willing to pay was often disallowed.

Etienne Dolet calls him "enemy of Cicero, and jealous detractor of the French name.

Fesal may well have watched with jealous anxiety the growing strength of his neighbour's state as compared with his own, where all progress was arrested by the deadening tyranny of religious fanaticism.

Blimey, there must be nearly forty of them he thought, no wonder Golightly's got the willies, he's probably jealous.

Are you jealous this Youngblood guy is stealing your thunder?Had she interrupted him stealing something?The demons are stealing my souls, too.

There was talk of independence, but sectional and personal jealousies could not be overcome.

Cold-hearted and formal by nature, he had not even self-love, detested his wife Anne of Austriatoo good a Spaniardand only attached himself fitfully to his favorites, male or female, who were naturally jealously suspected by the cardinal.

In a country divided by sectional jealousies it was impossible to expect a committee of thirty-four members to impose unity of action even in a common cause; and the Spanish rising, the first fierceness of which had carried all before it, lacked the organizing force which alone would have given it permanent success.

It was nothing but pure jealousy that guided her thoughts – and fear of losing him.

Rousseau, who was jealously sparing of his praises, addressed to him, in his Nouvelle Heloise, a fine panegyric; and when a stranger flatteringly told Voltaire he had come to see a great man, the philosopher asked him if he had seen Abauzit.

"The antagonism of the two Socialist movements is not based on small personal jealousies: it is the clashing of two fundamentally distinct methods, that of democracy and that of dictatorship.


desirous, wishful, envious, covetous,


undesiring, credulous, unambitious, unacquisitive, undesirous,

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