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jealously Meaning in Tamil ( jealously வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



jealously தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


jealously's Usage Examples:

The security of the treasury was also so jealously scrutinized that even the price which the tenant might be willing to pay was often disallowed.

Cold-hearted and formal by nature, he had not even self-love, detested his wife Anne of Austriatoo good a Spaniardand only attached himself fitfully to his favorites, male or female, who were naturally jealously suspected by the cardinal.

Rousseau, who was jealously sparing of his praises, addressed to him, in his Nouvelle Heloise, a fine panegyric; and when a stranger flatteringly told Voltaire he had come to see a great man, the philosopher asked him if he had seen Abauzit.

This pairing would probably do well to marry, as long as they can handle the typical quirks of Cancer's jealously and Virgo's perfectionism.

But the old jealously arose in the reign of George I.

'From 1579 to 1795 Friesland remained one of the constituent parts of the republic of the United Provinces, but it always jealously insisted on its sovereign rights, especially against the encroachments of the predominant province of Holland.

In view of the anticipated arrival of substantial reinforcements from England there was no great temptation to embark on offensives; and owing to the shortage of artillery ammunition, what there was of it had to be jealously husbanded, although the French divisions were not suffering from this disability so much as the British.

But under the leadership of George Clinton, governor in 1777-1795, the state jealously guarded its commercial interests.

Fatteh Khan, however, excited the king's jealously by his powerful position, and provoked the malignity of the king's son, Kamran, by a gross outrage on the Saddozai family.

The task of constructing a system of government from the bottom, of reconciling the conflicting and often jealously sensitive elements, called for tact, firmness, industry and deep insight into human nature, all of which Governor Taft displayed in a marked degree.


enviously, covetously,



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