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irresolute Meaning in Tamil ( irresolute வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தயக்கம் உள்ள,

irresolute தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

சில விளையாட்டுத் துறைகளில் , காட்டாக தட கள விளையாட்டுக்கள், மாற்றுத் திறனாளிகளை வழைமையான விளையாட்டாளர்களுடன் போட்டியிட மிகுந்த தயக்கம் உள்ளது.

irresolute's Usage Examples:

As plainly appeared in the last years of his life, he was too weak and irresolute to choose a side and stand by it.

On his thin, weak legs were heavy chains which hampered his irresolute movements.

Amid the smoke, deafened by the incessant reports which always made him jump, Tushin not taking his pipe from his mouth ran from gun to gun, now aiming, now counting the charges, now giving orders about replacing dead or wounded horses and harnessing fresh ones, and shouting in his feeble voice, so high pitched and irresolute.

While Charles hung irresolute on the eastern border, the Covenanters, under Alexander Leslie, took heart, occupied Duns Law, and terrified Charles into negotiations (11th-18th June).

He checked himself in the middle of the sentence, lowered his eyes to avoid seeing her unpleasantly irritated and irresolute face, and said:Al-Mosta`sim billah ("he who clings to God for protection"), son of Mostansir, the last caliph of Bagdad, was a narrow-minded, irresolute man, guided moreover by bad counsellors.

The international situation was the most difficult imaginable, and altogether beyond the powers of the timorous, vacillating and irresolute Medician pope.

He at once proceeded to put fresh life into the despondent and irresolute Conservative party, and the Magyar aristocracy, by gallantly combating in the Vilag the opinions of Kossuth's paper, the Pesti Hirlap.

In reality, the policy of Francis, save for some flashes of sagacity, was irresolute and vacillating.

The king, more ponderous and irresolute every day, vacillated MeetIng ol between Necker the liberal on one side and Marie Antoinette, whose feminine pride was opposed to any concessions, with the comte dArtois, a mischievous nobody who could neither choose a side nor stick to one, on the other.

He was the last of the French popes who for some seventy years had made Avignon their see, a man learned and full of zeal for the church, but irresolute and guilty of nepotism.

Al-Mosta`sim billah ("he who clings to God for protection"), son of Mostansir, the last caliph of Bagdad, was a narrow-minded, irresolute man, guided moreover by bad counsellors.

During the Persian invasion of 480 the Phocians at first joined in the national defence, but by their irresolute conduct at Thermopylae lost that position for the Greeks; in the campaign of Plataea they were enrolled on the Persian side.

But in the matter of a general council, so urgently desired by the emperor, Paul showed himself irresolute and procrastinating.


wavering, discouraged, vacillating, indecisive, infirm, weak-kneed, unstable, vacillant,


permanent, stable, steady, decisive, resolute,

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