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involves Meaning in Tamil ( involves வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தொடர்படையதாய் இரு,

involves's Usage Examples:

Yet the problem of the individual is really contained in this prior question; for determinate matter already involves particularity or this-ness.

It involves details of "wrinkling" and "razing," if done by hand-work in copper.

- An equation may involve a fraction of the form Q, where Q involves x.

devisecurrent research post involves devising a fieldwork questionnaire for gathering data on negation.

Hering has long insisted on a self-regulative adjustment of the cell metabolism, so that action involves reaction, increased catabolism necessitates after-increase of anabolism.

uncovers a cynical plot that involves the country's incumbent Prime Minister.

As has been said it classifies universals as predicates of individuals and thus involves the difficulties which gave rise to the controversy between realism and nominalism.

This table distinctly involves the principle of logarithms and may be described as a modified table of antilogarithms.

Chinese Taoism involves the use of breathing techniques to enter a meditative state and to modify the body's energy state in order to enter an astral plane.

Its scope, wide as the universe, can be compassed no otherwise than bystatistical means p and the collection of materials for this purpose involves most arduous preliminary labour.

Modular construction involves manufacturing a building off-site in a controlled factory environment.

Accidents to workmen in marshalling, shunting, distributing and running trains, engines and cars, may be taken as the most important class, after train accidents, because this work is necessary and important and yet involves considerable hazard.

My typical workday involves.


touch on, relate, concern, have-to doe with, come to, regard, refer, touch, implicate, pertain, affect, bear on,


stay, outgo, dishonor, refuse, go,

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