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inwards Meaning in Tamil ( inwards வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



inwards தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அதனால் கடவுளை என் மனத்தினுள் குடியேறச் சொல்ல முடியவில்லை.

inwards's Usage Examples:

In a severely paralyzed larynx, the airway actually gets smaller rather than bigger during strenuous exercise as the paralyzed side collapses inwards.

Where the carbon, in thus diffusing inwards, meets particles of the slag, a basic ferrous silicate which is always present in wrought iron, it forms carbonic oxide, FeO+ C Fe+CO, which puffs the pliant metal up and forms blisters.

A Fresh New Waft Comes in the shape of a draft; and have we got some new blood to tell you about?In Valeriana the superior calyx is at first an obsolete rim, but as the fruit ripens it is shown to consist of hairs rolled inwards, which expand so as to waft the fruit.

In their direction they are erect or reflexed (with their apices downwards), spreading outwards (divergent or patulous), or arched inwards (connivent).

Again, to obviate the necessity for excessive convergence of the eyes so common in hypermetropia, the centre of the pupil should be placed outside the centre of the corrective convex lenses; these will then act as prisms with their bases inwards.

It is some five feet long, ending at the top in a crook (volute) bent inwards, and made of metal, ivory or wood.

The harbour widens inwards in bottle form, Portsmouth lying on the east shore of the neck, with Gosport opposite to it on the west side.

In addition there are collecting combs which occupy an intermediate position and have sharp points projecting inwards, and coming near to but not touching the carriers.

Upon leaving the head they:were directed at first downwards, and outwards, then upwards and finally inwards at the tips, and generally with a tendency to a spiral form not seen in other elephants.

- Diagram to illustrate induplicative or induplicate aestivation, in which the parts of the verticil are slightly turned inwards at the edges.

, from which inwards the rainfall gradually declines until between Central Mount Stuart and Macdonnell ranges it falls to between 5 and to in.

The ovule is usually surrounded by one integument, which projects beyond the tip of the nucellus as a wide-open lobed funnel, which at the time of pollination folds inwards, and so assists in bringing the pollen-grains on to the nucellus.




outwardness, unsuccessful, outgoing,

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