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invoked Meaning in Tamil ( invoked வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வழிபட்டு வேண்டிக் கொள்,

invoked தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


invoked's Usage Examples:

Then there was its commitment to Yugoslavia, whose resuscitation was repeatedly invoked in the West.

Every Wednesday afternoon he made a reverential pilgrimage to her tomb, and three times every day he invoked her memory in words of passionate expansion.

547) became king of the Visigoths (in Spain) in 534, having invoked the aid of the emperor Justinian for his revolt against his predecessor Agila.

The municipality of Bologna formed a Giunta, to which Romagna and the Marches adhered, and invoked the dictatorship of Victor Emmanuel; at Perugia, too, a provisional government was constituted under F.

Eventually the Cretan chiefs invoked the mediation of England, which Turkey, exhausted by her struggle with Russia, was ready to accept, and the convention known as the Pact of Halepa was drawn up in 1878 under the auspices of Mr Sandwith, the British consul, and Adossides Pasha, both of whom enjoyed the confidence of the Cretan population.

The name was also borne by the following saints: (1) a Roman tribune who suffered martyrdom under Hadrian; (2) a bishop of Siscia in Pannonia; (3) the patron of the Tegernsee in Bavaria, beheaded in Rome in 269 and invoked by those suffering from gout.

She is constantly invoked, in the well-known idyll (ii.

Originally a nature goddess (like Venus the garden goddess, with whom she was sometimes identified), she represented at first the hope of fruitful gardens and fields, then of abundant offspring, and lastly of prosperity to come and good fortune in general, being hence invoked on birthdays and at weddings.

However, if a variable is unset during a read or write trace then unset traces will be invoked.

I said: Because you have invoked curse and hurled malediction upon both of them.

Her aid was invoked by thieves to enable them to carry out their plans successfully without forfeiting their reputation for piety and honesty (Horace, Ep.


bedamn, curse, anathemize, provoke, bless, conjure up, imprecate, create, anathemise, evoke, beshrew, kick up, arouse, maledict, bring up, raise, conjure, stir, call down, make, call forth, damn, put forward,


stay, unmake, break, bless, curse,

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