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involucel Meaning in Tamil ( involucel வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


involucel's Usage Examples:

- Compound umbel of Common Dill (Anethum graveolens), having a primary umbel a, and secondary umbels b, without either involucre or involucel.

15), neither involucre nor involucel is developed.

In some instances, as in fool's-parsley, there is no general involucre, but simply an involucel; while in other cases, as in fennel or dill (fig.

At the base of the general umbel in umbelliferous plants a whorl of bracts often exists, called a general involucre, and at the base of the smaller umbels or umbellules there is a similar leafy whorl called an involucel or partial involucre.

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