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intrigue Meaning in Tamil ( intrigue வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



intrigue's Usage Examples:

Unhappily there arose a suspicion that his views on maritime law were not favourable to the pretensions of Venice, and this suspicion, notwithstanding all his efforts to dissipate it, together with clerical intrigues, led to his expulsion from the state.

He was skilled at deftly combining mecha combat, martial arts, international criminal intrigue, high-school politics and a dash of teen romance.

But further intrigues caused delay, and it was not until 1471 that James's hesitations were overcome.

The latent discontent of the allies was soon fanned into hostility by the intrigues of Mausolus, prince of Cardia, who was anxious to extend his kingdom.

as the duke had set out to meet Mary, Cecil became the most active intriguer against him, and to these efforts, of which he laid a full account before Queen Mary, he mainly owed his immunity.

Coligny was a Protestant, but he was a Frenchman before all; and wishing to reconcile all parties in a national struggle, he trumpeted war (cornait la guerre) against Spain in the Netherlandsdespite the lukewarmness of Elizabeth of England and the Germans, and despite the counter-intrigues of the pope and of Venice.

There can be no doubt that he was a busy intriguer, or that the king, acting on the then very generally accepted doctrine that the sovereign has a right to act for the public interest without regard to forms of law, gave orders to Antonio Perez that he was to be put out of the way.

It was in pursuit of one of these intrigues that he abdicated in 1724 in favour of his son Louis.

He was servile and unscrupulous, weak, fond of intrigue, intolerably vain and ambitious.

He was more intrigued by the sight of soldiers in PMF grays as well as those in the regular military's black uniforms.

Their career was checked by Reshid Pasha, who persuaded the two victorious commanders to intrigue against one another, secured the division of their forces, and then fell upon each in turn.

Subsequently Alexander was alienated from him owing to the intrigues of the count's enemies, who hated him for his severity and regarded him as a dangerous reactionary.


machination, priestcraft, plot, game, secret plan,


fit, cowardly, home game, away game, inactivity,

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