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intriguing Meaning in Tamil ( intriguing வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



intriguing's Usage Examples:

The latter, intriguing on his own account, got possession of the town and citadel; he then sallied forth, engaged the Persian forces, and forced them to retire into their own country.

The Liberal majority of 44 was already dwindling away, and the malcontents, who considered that Sir William Harcourt should have been the prime minister, or who were perpetually intriguing against a leader who did not satisfy their idea of Radicalism, made Lord Rosebery's personal position no easy one.

Among themselves the Afghans are quarrelsome, intriguing and distrustful; estrangements and affrays are of constant occurrence; the traveller conceals and misrepresents the time and direction of his journey.

But Hajji Ibrahim had been intriguing against his sovereign, to whose family he owed everything, not only with his officers and soldiers but also with Aga Mahommed, the chief of the Kajars, and arch-enemy of the Zends.

The plot is slight, but there are some intriguing sidelights on social life.

The morning session I attended Rethinking Democracy: Parties, Pressure Groups and Public Engagement seemed intriguing.

Conscious of her unpopularity she banished, and afterwards put to death, three Gothic nobles whom she suspected of intriguing against her rule, and at the same time opened negotiations with the emperor Justinian with the view of removing herself and the Gothic treasure to Constantinople.

And yet she found Keaton strangely intriguing.

'So it remains an intriguing question, whether e.


challenging, provocative,


easy, unsexy, unprovocative,

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