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integrating Meaning in Tamil ( integrating வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



integrating's Usage Examples:

A recording drum or integrating apparatus may be arranged on the pulley frames.

The fusion process is preferably carried out in crucible furnaces; shaft furnaces are unsatisfactory on account of the disintegrating action of the molten bismuth on the furnace linings.

The mean brightness varies as z3 (or as r3), and the integral found by multiplying it by zdz and integrating between o and co converges.

He concludes that the integrating principle of the whole - the Spirit, as it were, of the Universe - must be something akin to, but immeasurably superior to, the " psychism " of man.

The direct passes across it from Herat (the Baba and the Ardewan) wind amongst masses of disintegrating sandstone for some miles on each side of the dividing watershed, but farther west the rounded knolls of the rain-washed downs may be crossed almost at any point without difficulty.

After the establishment of universal gravitation as the primary law of the celestial motions, the problem was reduced to that of integrating the differential equations of the moon's motion, and testing the completeness of the results by comparison with observation.

integrating a subwoofer into your system to produce a seamless sound is a challenge for any home cinema enthusiast.

The feeble inadequacy of conception, infirmity of power, factional jealousy, disintegrating particularism, and vicious finance of the Confederation were realized by many others; but none other saw so clearly the concrete nationalistic remedies for these concrete ills, or pursued remedial ends so constantly, so ably, and so consistently.

Hence its frequent application in analysis as a disintegrating agent.

reflectance measurements are made using either a scanning spectrophotometer fitted with an integrating sphere accessory, or a diode array spectrophotometer.

Example 2: fieldwork in science and environment Here the CETL demonstrates excellence in integrating fieldwork with class-based teaching.

Apparatus is added to some dynamometers by means of which a curve showing the variations of P on a distance base is drawn automatically, the area of the diagram representing the work done; with others, integrating apparatus is combined, from which the work done during a given interval may be read off directly.

The disintegrating speculations of an influential school of criticism in Germany were making their way among English men of culture just about the time, as is usually the case, when the tide was turning against them in their own country.


desegregation, integration, group action,


competition, non-engagement, cooperation, segregation,

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