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integument Meaning in Tamil ( integument வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



(இயற்கையான) வெளிப்போர்வை,

integument's Usage Examples:

The point where the integuments are united to the base of the nucellus is called the chalaza (figs.

It is held by some botanists (Celakovsky) that the seminiferous scale of the Abietineae is homologous with the arillus or second integument of the Taxaceae, but this view is too strained to gain general acceptance.

The female flower is enveloped in a closely fitting sac-like investment, which must be regarded as a perianth; within this is an orthotropous ovule surrounded by a single integument prolonged upwards as a beak-like micropyle.

Karl Semper has shown that these slugs have, in addition to the usual pair of cephalic eyes, a number of eyes developed upon the dorsal integument.

A young ovule consists of a conical nucellus surrounded by a single integument terminating as a two-lipped micropyle.

Then if a second integument be formed it covers all the free part of the ovule, but does not form on the side to which the raphe is adherent.

The integument of tailed and tailless batrachians is remarkable for the great abundance of follicular glands, of which there may be two kinds, each having a special secretion, which is always more or less acrid and irritating, and affords a means of defence against the attacks of many carnivorous animals.

In this it remains until the completion of the transformation into the sexually mature insect, which then emerges from the case, leaving the pupal integument behind.

In function the perianth may be compared with a unilocular ovary containing a single ovule; the projecting integument, which at the time of pollination secretes a drop of liquid, serves the same purpose as the style and stigma of an angiosperm.

Liver ramifies in integuments and extends into dorsal papillae, but there are no cnidosacs.

Cephalic shield continuous with dorsal integument; no shell; ctenidium projecting from mantle cavity.


cover, natural covering, covering,


unmask, uncover, artifact, undress,

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