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insensitive Meaning in Tamil ( insensitive வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



insensitive's Usage Examples:

The pupil is always dilated and insensitive to light.

Sure, he was insensitive, but how many sixteen year olds sneak out to drink?Part of him felt like a pimply 16-year-old chasing the prom queen, while the rest of him was a lying, cheating sneak thief.

I did not perceive her sarcastic remark as insensitive.

She was the country bumpkin that he had to drag everywhere or be accused of being insensitive.

The vocal lead will send tingles up the spine or raise the hair on the arms of even the most insensitive listener.

I just thought it was funny!The pupil is always dilated and insensitive to light.

Pain may be stopped by removing the cause of irritation, as, for example, by the extraction of a carious tooth or by rendering the nerveendings insensitive to irritation, as by the application of cocaine; by preventing its transmission along the spinal cord by antipyrin, phenacetin, acetanilide, cocaine, 'c.

Ending a relationship isn't easy for either person, but the good news is that there are ways that you can break the news to your girlfriend without seeming insensitive.

My comments about your land were insensitive.

Sure, he was insensitive, but how many sixteen year olds sneak out to drink?I don't mean to be insensitive, but I was so busy today that I didn't eat lunch.

Individuals who cannot empathize with others' feelings are less likely to curb their own aggression and more likely to become insensitive to brutality in general.


sensitiveness, unreactive, dead, deadened, insusceptible, sensitivity, insensible, unresponsive, unsusceptible,


edible, susceptible, sensitive, responsive, sensible,

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