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inseparable Meaning in Tamil ( inseparable வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



inseparable தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அவனுடைய அன்பு மனைவியையும் உங்கள் மாறாத விதி பிரிக்கக்கூடாது எமனிடம் வேண்டினாள்.

inseparable's Usage Examples:

Being either isosceles or scalene is inseparable from a triangle in real existence.

Their analysis of sensation supposes it to react, by a variation in tension, against the current from the sense-organ; and this is the mind's assent or dissent, which is inseparable from the sense presentation.

A few of the evils inseparable from the presence of overmuch water in the soil may be enumerated.

Henceforth the kingdom of Poland and the grand duchy of Lithuania were to constitute one inseparable and indivisible body politic, under one1569.

It simplifies the theory, and gives a possible relation between the constants, but it does not appear to remove the complication above referred to, which seems to be inseparable from any conduction theory.

This will be preserved inseparable (from the Divine), and so inherited the name which is above all names, the prize of love and affection vouchsafed in grace to him.

Taking a detached view of Turkish civilization, even of the faith of Islam itself, for the two are inseparable - the Committee saw much wanting, much existing that was cumbersome and useless, much that provided a fatal handicap to the progress of the Ottoman State.

The same council defines not indeed dogma but faith - inseparable from dogma - as4 (1) revealed, (a) in Scripture or (b) in unwritten tradition, and (2) taught by the church, (a) in formulated decrees, or (b) in her ordinary magisterium.

Sycophants were an inseparable accompaniment of the democracy, and the profession, at least from a political point of view, was not regarded as in any way dishonourable.

We chatted briefly, agreed to have coffee and have been nearly inseparable ever sense.

Even the " joy and gladness " (Xapa, eu4po n vn) that accompany the exercise of virtue seem to have been regarded by them as merely an inseparable accident, not the essential constituent of well-being.

It has to be established on the Roman Catholic side that faith (or dogma; the two are inseparable) deals with divine truths historically revealed long ago but now administered with authority, according to God's will, by the church.




separable, divisible,

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