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inherit Meaning in Tamil ( inherit வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மரபரிமையாகப் பெறு,

inherit தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


inherit's Usage Examples:

was childless, and the disposal of his inheritance became a question of great interest to the European powers.

Among the flowering plants, rye shows paternal inheritance, and predominantly paternal inheritance has been observed in chaparral.

The party which had set up the Committee of Public Safety was now struck down by the very man who through the Directory inherited by direct lineal descent the dictatorial powers instituted in the spring of 1793 for the salvation of the republic.

But the act of parliament which embodied it did not formally disinherit the reigning kings son, as the treaty of Troyes had done, but merely ignored his existence.

Segregated inheritance may have produced the appropriate combinations which were latent in the capacities of the race, and the exigencies of the environment protected them in the suitable localities.

Joshua blesses him and thus Hebron becomes the inheritance of Caleb (Josh.

tontine clause this matrimonial regime allows the survivor of a married couple to inherit the whole of a French property.

brought about the Grand Alliance of 1701 between the maritime Powers and the court of Vienna, desirous of partitioning the inheritance of Charles II.

In the state the Tory inherited the ideas of Clarendon, and, without being at all ready to abandon the claims of parliaments, nevertheless somewhat inconsistently spoke of the king as ruling by a divine and indefeasible title, and wielding a power which it was both impious and unconstitutional to resist by force.

The new Tory leader, argues former No10 special adviser Patrick Diamond, inherits no ' reformist mantle ' from his predecessors.

to his adherents could only be inherited by the direct male descendants of the grantees, and failing such descendants, should revert to the Crown.

16 describes how to implement polymorphic persistence in the classes that you create by inheriting from RWCollectable.

The link of connexion between the various Bodhisats in the future Buddha's successive births is not a soul which is transferred from body to body, but the karma, or character, which each successive Bodhisat inherits from his predecessors in the long chain of existences.


get, acquire,


lose, lend, refuse,

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