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inheritance Meaning in Tamil ( inheritance வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



inheritance தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இங்கிலாந்து பரம்பரைச்சொத்துக்கள் தளம் - அப்னர் கோட்டை.

inheritance's Usage Examples:

was childless, and the disposal of his inheritance became a question of great interest to the European powers.

Among the flowering plants, rye shows paternal inheritance, and predominantly paternal inheritance has been observed in chaparral.

Segregated inheritance may have produced the appropriate combinations which were latent in the capacities of the race, and the exigencies of the environment protected them in the suitable localities.

Joshua blesses him and thus Hebron becomes the inheritance of Caleb (Josh.

brought about the Grand Alliance of 1701 between the maritime Powers and the court of Vienna, desirous of partitioning the inheritance of Charles II.

Yet inheritance through the female line was fully recognized, and marriage with the heiress princess was sought by usurpers to legitimate the claims of their offspring.

"The recompense of the righteous is described as an inheritance, entrance into the kingdom, treasure in heaven, an existence like the angelic, a place prepared, the Father's house, the joy of the Lord, life, eternal life and the like; and there is no intimation that the reward is capable of change, that the condition is a terminable one.

2 It is then in connexion with the history of inheritance and adoption, and of the gradual evolution from societies held together only by blood-kinship to societies consolidated on other bases, especially on that of local contiguity, that ancestor-worship chiefly calls for investigation.

The patroon received his estate in perpetual inheritance and had the exclusive right of hunting and fishing upon it.

"It is equally clear that there is a broad analogy between the kind of characters on which systematists often have to rely for the separation of species and those which Mendelian workers have shown to behave in accordance with the Mendelian theories of mosaic inheritance with segregation.

He eschewed the pomp and ceremonies, natural inheritances from English origins, that had been an innocent setting to the character of his two noble predecessors.

residency visas, work permit, inheritance law, power of attorney, taxes in Turkey.

On the death of her husband a widow must receive her rightful inheritance, without delay or hindrance.


acquisition, heritage,


decrease, income, disinherit,

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