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inflexion Meaning in Tamil ( inflexion வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சொல்லின் உருவம் மாறுபடுதல்,

inflexion's Usage Examples:

Catalan being a variety of the langue doc, it will be convenient to note the peculiarities of its phonetics and inflexion as compared with ordinary Provenal, Tonic VowelsWith regard to a, which is pronounced alike in open and close syllables (amar, a m a r e; abre, a r b o r), there is nothing to remark.

"The pseudo-participle seems, by its inflexion, to have been the perfect of the original Semitic conjugation.

Egyptian roots consist of consonants and semi-consonants only, the inflexion being effected by internal vowel-change and the addition of consonants or vowels at the beginning or end.

The inflexion of the verbs is, on the whole, more regular than in Hebrew: thus, to take one instance, the 3rd plur.

But the new creative effort in language was accompanied by considerable crudeness of execution, and the novel word-formations and varieties of inflexion introduced by Pacuvius exposed him to the ridicule of the satirist Lucilius, and, long afterwards, to that of his imitator Persius.

The Tasmanians spoke a fairly copious agglutinating language, well marked as to parts of speech, syntax and inflexion.

The Aryan system of inflexion was preserved in Celtic, as may be seen in Stokes 's restoration of Celtic declension (Trans.

inflexionicular, it shows several distinctive Northern features, eg.

Again, Portuguese alone has preserved the pluperfect in its original meaning, so that, for example, amara (a m a v e r a hi) signifies not merely as elsewhere I would love, but also I had Loved, The future perfect, retained as in Castilian, has lost its vowel of inflexion in the 1st and 3rd pers.

As in Bantu, the verb presents a multiplicity of forms, including one present, three past and future tenses, with personal endings complete, passive, interrogative, conditional, elective, negative and other forms, each with its proper participial inflexions.

The accentuation in the inflexion of perfects in the conjugation called strong, like hubiiron hiziron, which correspond to h a b u r u n t, f e c e r u n t (while in the other Romance languages the Latin type is b r ii n t: Fr.

In the language of Ebon, one of the islands in the Marshall archipelago, nouns have the peculiarity which is characteristic of the Papuan languages: those which indicate close relationship - as of a son to a father, or of the members of a person's body - take a pronominal suffix which gives them the appearance of inflexions.

It is difficult to learn thoroughly, owing to its many inflexions and accents, and its being largely a language of idioms.


grammatical relation, declension, conjugation, pluralisation, paradigm, inflection, pluralization,


detribalization, detribalisation, disunion, assortative mating, disassortative mating,

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