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inflexions Meaning in Tamil ( inflexions வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சொல்லின் உருவம் மாறுபடுதல்,

inflexions's Usage Examples:

As in Bantu, the verb presents a multiplicity of forms, including one present, three past and future tenses, with personal endings complete, passive, interrogative, conditional, elective, negative and other forms, each with its proper participial inflexions.

In the language of Ebon, one of the islands in the Marshall archipelago, nouns have the peculiarity which is characteristic of the Papuan languages: those which indicate close relationship - as of a son to a father, or of the members of a person's body - take a pronominal suffix which gives them the appearance of inflexions.

It is difficult to learn thoroughly, owing to its many inflexions and accents, and its being largely a language of idioms.

The verbs usually have no inflexions to express relations of voice, mood, tense, number of person - such distinctions being indicated by particles.

Moreover, he employed comparatively few obsolete inflexions, and his work no doubt furthered the adoption of the Midland dialect as the acknowledged literary instrument.

The whole work was divided into three main sections, the first dealing with the origin of Latin words, the second with their inflexions and other modifications, the third with syntax.

"(4) The practical meaning of the inflexionsis not realized, and syntactical usages are treated as if they were arbitrary or accidental associations.

A more directly religious element, it is true, was introduced by the practice of attending the synagogue service; but it is to be The grammatical inflexions of the word "Sabbath" would show that it is a feminine form, properly shabbat-t for shabbat-t.

It is divided into eighteen books, of which the first sixteen deal mainly with sounds, word-formation and inflexions; the last two, which form from a fourth to a third of the whole work, deal with syntax.

He derived the greatest assistance from Tumour's work not only in historical information, but also as regards the forms of words and grammatical inflexions.

has so few inflexions, but this is made up for by the subtle development of the syntax.


grammatical relation, declension, conjugation, pluralisation, paradigm, inflection, pluralization,


detribalization, detribalisation, disunion, assortative mating, disassortative mating,

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