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infidels Meaning in Tamil ( infidels வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சமய நம்பிக்கையற்றபர்,

infidels's Usage Examples:

A caravan of loving help inviting people to hear about Jesus or or a cavalcade of crusaders bent on smiting infidels with their swords?cavalcade of crusaders bent on smiting infidels with their swords?His mind has a lightning-like zig zag which is its straight line of smiting.

Coming forward as the champion of Islam against the infidels, Abd-el-Kader was proclaimed amir at Mascara in 1832.

'Coming forward as the champion of Islam against the infidels, Abd-el-Kader was proclaimed amir at Mascara in 1832.

He always has been and I have always been a stubborn, unbelieving old mule!Believers, take not for friends unbelieving infidels rather than believers.

Meanwhile Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas, accepting the exegetical services of the Arabians, did their best to controvert the obnoxious doctrine of the Intellect, and to defend the orthodoxy of Aristotle against the unholy glosses of infidels.

As chivalry directed the layman to defend what was right, so the preaching of the Crusades directed him to attack what was wrong - the possession by "infidels" of the Sepulchre of Christ.

In other directions, too, the teachings of Maholnet were to be judiciously revised, on the principle that the Prophet himself would never have allowed observance of any of his precepts to put his followers at a permanent disadvantage in competition with infidels.

Thenceforth until his death he was actively engaged in exhorting to war against the infidels.

For a long time he had pondered over the confusion in which Spain was, which he attributed to the intimate relations allowed between Christians and infidels for the sake of commerce.

He subdued the Gascons, and defended Narbonne against the infidels.

By his will he founded the Boyle lectures, for proving the Christian religion against "notorious infidels, viz.

The Holy Office continues, however, to deal with mixed marriages and marriages with infidels.


idol worshiper, idoliser, pagan, paynim, nonreligious person, heathen, idolater, idolizer, gentile,


nonreligious person, religious, religious person,

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