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indiscriminate Meaning in Tamil ( indiscriminate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பகுத்தறியாமல் கொடுக்கிற (அ) செய்கிற,

indiscriminate தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


indiscriminate's Usage Examples:

From the above analysis, attacks on civilian electric infrastructures are indiscriminate due to the foreseeable suffering of the affected populations.

35), by a hurricane of revengeful fury, which threatened to become as dangerous in its indiscriminate ravages as the system it attacked.

He's capable of great violence, but he doesn't act indiscriminately.

177); they have indeed been greatly reduced in comparatively modern times by indiscriminate timber-felling, and though serious attempts at reafforestation have been made by the government, much remains to be done.

Yet even the distribution of toxic matters by the blood is not necessarily followed by general and indiscriminate injury to the nervous elements.

The revival of Greek from the time of Chrysoloras onward, instead of begetting a Hellenistic spirit, transported the more serious-minded to the nebulous shores of NeoPlatonism, while the less devout became absorbed in scholarly or literary ambitions, translations, elegantly phrased letters, clever epigrams or indiscriminate invective.

Like baboons, mandrills appear to be indiscriminate eaters, feeding on fruit, roots, reptiles, insects, scorpions, 'c.

Moreover, zinc and bismuth were confused, and the word spiauter (the modern spelter) was indiscriminately given to both these metals.

The indiscriminate use of Mercator's projection, for maps of the world, is to be deprecated owing to the inordinate exaggeration of areas in high latitudes.

"TADPOLE, a term often, but wrongly, applied indiscriminately to all Batrachian larvae.

The worst feature is the indiscriminate association sometimes seen of all inmates, bond and free, the convicted and accused; even witnesses against whom there is no shadow of a charge are sometimes imprisoned among felons.

-New countries have sought to escape certain evils of indiscriminate immigration.


undiscriminating, indiscriminating,


particularity, chaste, discriminating,

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