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indictment Meaning in Tamil ( indictment வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


குற்றச்சாட்டு பத்திரம்,

indictment's Usage Examples:

"The indictment charged Northumberland with endeavoring to head the English papists and procure them toleration.

While it was in part at least an indictment that Dean had allowed himself to be followed, it was still the best news he'd heard in weeks.

custodial penalty upon conviction on indictment of five years imprisonment.

The indictment charged Northumberland with endeavoring to head the English papists and procure them toleration.

Early in October the Convention brought forward its indictment of the twenty-two Girondists.

About 000 insurgents under Shays assembled at Springfield on the 26th of September to prevent the sitting there of the Supreme Court, from which they feared indictments.

In Siena he wrote his Actio in pontifices romanos et eorum asseclas, a vigorous indictment, in twenty "testimonia," against what he now believed to be the fundamental error of the Roman Church in subordinating Scripture to tradition, as well as against various particular doctrines, such as that of ' P.

Other indictments of Congo State methods are contained in La Question congolaise, by A.

damning indictment of the fairness of our society today.

itself, he is only acting with the selfcontradictory stupidity which pervades his whole indictment (Oo.

Seton-Watson (" Scotus Viator "), Racial Problems in Hungary (London, 1908), a strong indictment of the racial policy of the Magyars, supported by exact references and many ' The methods pursued to this end are exposed in pitiless detail by Mr Seton-Watson in his chapter on the Education Laws of Hungary, in Racial Problems, 205.

The latter Act also for the first time made the offense of failure to comply triable on indictment.

At length Fox, in seconding a motion for confining the debate to its proper subject, burst into the fatal question beyond the subject, taxing Burke with inconsistency, and taunting him with having forgotten that ever-admirable saying of his own about the insurgent colonists, that he did not know how to draw an indictment against a whole nation.


official document, bill of indictment, instrument, legal document, complaint, murder indictment, charge, true bill, legal instrument, murder charge,


discharge, overcharge, calm, absolve, linger,

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