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indefensible Meaning in Tamil ( indefensible வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சமாதானம் சொல்ல முடியாத,

indefensible's Usage Examples:

The company was by no means a financial success, and many of its proceedings were wholly unscrupulous and indefensible; its great object, however, was attained, and New Zealand became the Britain of the south.

On grounds of policy and morality alike the act was quite indefensible; but it is perhaps some palliation of his perjury that it was committed to satisfy the last urgent wish of a dying man, and that he alone remained true to the nine days' queen when the others who had with him signed Edward's device deserted her.

Thibron, the Spartan, persuaded the Magnesians to leave their indefensible and mutinous city in 399 B.

Here also begins his long controversy with Rivinus (Augustus Quirinus Bachmann) which chiefly turned upon Ray's indefensible separation of ligneous from herbaceous plants, and also upon what he conceived to be the misleading reliance that Rivinus placed on the characters of the corolla.

The indefensible indecency and overstrained sentimentality are on the surface; but after a time every repellent defect is forgotten in the enjoyment of the exquisite literary art.

And skeptics then make the logically fallacious jump of concluding that the biblical record is indefensible!convinced most skeptics of the species existence.

indefensible decisions by the Government and its quangos.

In a military sense the position was indefensible.

If, however, they are not published, and are given to certain persons as individual favours, they become a prolific source of abuse, and are quite indefensible from the standpoint of political economy.

Although various commanders had reported the Sleme - Mrzli line indefensible, steps which should have followed logically had not been taken.


untenable, unreasonable,


unsusceptible, logical, reasonable,

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