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indefinitely Meaning in Tamil ( indefinitely வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



indefinitely's Usage Examples:

Since the poorest nations will improve their financial conditions indefinitely, this is a long-term trend toward peace.

But the respective obligations of parties where repairs are, as they always are in leases for years, the subject of express covenant, may vary indefinitely.

Each leaf has a slender stem-like axis, which twines round a support and bears leaflets at intervals; it goes on growing indefinitely.

The process can be almost indefinitely repeated and canes formed of extreme complexity.

Well knowing that his fortunes rested on the delighted acquiescence of France, Napoleon expected to continue indefinitely fashioning public opinion according to his pleasure.

The quantity of substance which diffuses through unit area in one second may be taken as proportional to the difference in concentration between the fluids at that area and at another parallel area indefinitely near it.

Autocrats can hold power indefinitely if they control the media, the military, business, the money, and information.

Does the controversy about its tail section still fester?fester indefinitely in a foreign jail under any conditions let alone without charge is morally reprehensible.

This is really an accretion of undetermined liabilities which has been indefinitely, and probably alternately, advancing and receding for a great number of years, and which no previous minister of finance, or Turkish government, had the courage to face.

"on the complaint of two parishioners" (too often qualified ad hoc by a temporary residence) followed; and since the act had provided no penalty save imprisonment for contempt of court, there followed the scandal of zealous clergymen being lodged in gaol indefinitely "for conscience' sake.

They differ, however, fundamentally in this respect, that, whereas evolution regards the process as from the indeterminate lower towards the determinate higher, emanation regards it as from the highest to the indefinitely lower.

It will be noticed that, although the differences between successive terms of the sequence will ultimately become indefinitely small, there will always be intermediate numbers that do not occur in the sequence.

The lightly cross-linked polymers (eg: vulcanized rubber) are cured to prevent the material deforming indefinitely under load.

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