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incongruity Meaning in Tamil ( incongruity வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தொடர்ச்சியாக அமையாத நிலை,

incongruity's Usage Examples:

For instance, he employs rhyme in dealing with the most prosaic subjects, and thus produces the disagreeable effect of incongruity between style and matter.

incongruityvidently takes pleasure in such incongruities -- an illusion or expectation is set up and then punctured with deadpan nonchalance.

incongruity of war and a religious belief?The man who sees not the incongruity has great need of having his eyes anointed.

heartything at once in the familiarity and the incongruity of this being moved Michael to even heartier outbursts of a healthy and humane flippancy.

incongruityn phrases, too, can create similar incongruities.

was surpassed in incongruity by a fourth work on the same scale, the Histoire naturelle des promerops et des guepiers, des couroucous et des touracos, for herein are found jays, waxwings, the cock-of-the-rock (Rupicola), and what not besides.

It involves, moreover, the incongruity of supposing that thirty-seven years elapsed between Esau's marrying his Hittite wives (xxvi.

That the third section belongs to a later stage of development and was added at a later date is shown by (a) the incongruity of vv.

standing their acknowledged morphological affinity with Cyanophyceae, or, in recognition of the incongruity of effecting such a separation, the whole group of the Schizophyta - that is to say, the Cyanophyceae in the narrow sense, together with Bacteriaceae, is included or excluded together.

incongruity focused on the potential conflicts between the values, reflecting back possible incongruities.

Scientology leaders are now faced with having to concoct a story for their current members explaining the painfully obvious incongruity of their actions.

incongruityz appropriates freely from popular culture mimicking a rough collaged texture with stylistic incongruities rendered meticulously in paint.


incongruousness, incompatibility, irony,


unsarcastic, congruousness, congruity, compatibility,

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