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inconsiderate Meaning in Tamil ( inconsiderate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



inconsiderate தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

தலைவியோ, நின் குரலுக்கும் மேலாக என் காதலன் என்னைப் பற்றிச்சிந்திக்காது விட்டு விட்டுப்பிரிந்தான்.

"அக்கூசுநெட்" கப்பலில் இருந்து வெளியேறியது தொடர்பில் ஏற்படக்கூடிய விளைவுகள் பற்றிச் சிந்திக்காத ஏர்மன் மெல்வில், அவாய்க்குச் செல்லும் இன்னொரு திமிங்கில வேட்டைக் கப்பலில் ஏறி ஒனலூலுவில் அக்கப்பலை விட்டு வெளியேறினார்.

அஞ்சலா டேவிசு , கொலைகளுக்கு எதிரான இயக்கத்தில் கறுப்பினப் பெண்கள் வகித்த பகுதியை பிரவுன்மில்லர் பொருட்படுத்தவில்லை என்றும், வன்கலவி மற்றும் இனம் பற்றிய பிரவுன்மில்லரின் விவாதம் "இனவெறிக்கு எல்லையாக இருக்கும் சிந்திக்காத கூட்டாண்மை" என்றும் வாதிட்டார்.

இந்த படம் வரும் வரை மோதல் வைரங்கள் குறித்து எதுவுமே யாருமே சிந்திக்காது இருந்திருக்க முடியுமா" என்று அவர் கூறுகிறார்.

inconsiderate's Usage Examples:

That was when some inconsiderate soul decided to knock on their door.

I'm not some inconsiderate oaf.

The king chafed against the objections with which his minister opposed wild plans of foreign conquest and inconsiderate concessions to the papacy.

The Cave report showed that Egypt suffered from the ignorance, dishonesty, waste and extravagance of the East and from the vast expense caused by hasty and inconsiderate endeavours to adopt the civilization of the West.

inconsiderate of other people 's feelings?While many women are convinced their husbands are selfish and inconsiderate for not helping out around the house, most men simply don't realize all that their wives are doing.

while to the small proprietor the state often appears only as a hard and inconsiderate tax-gatherer.

Californians had been very friendly to Americans, but Larkin's intimates thought they had been tricked, and the people resented the stealthy and unprovoked breaking of peace, and unfortunately the Americans did not known how to treat them except inconsiderately and somewhat contemptuously.

It is true that his election was immediately impugned by the cardinals on frivolous grounds; but the responsibility for this rests, partially at least, with the pope himself, whose reckless and inconsiderate zeal for reform was bound to excite a revolution among the worldly cardinals still yearning for the fleshpots of Avignon.

Although I had originally planned to vote for the Independent candidate, I changed my mind when her inconsiderate logorrhea became apparent.

Even the most unique theme can fall flat if it is inconsiderate to their wishes and desires, but a carefully planned party will be a gift they remember for many birthdays to come.

He dealt with the great question at issue from the standpoint of the diplomatist, rather than from that of the statesman well versed in ecclesiastical history and possessing an insight into what it implies; and by his violent, inconsiderate action he unwittingly drove into the ranks of Ultramontanism the moderate elements of the Catholic population.

He " did not allow himself to be hurried on by an inconsiderate zeal to condemn fasting, the life of celibacy, monachism, considered purely in themselves.


uncaring, tactless, selfish, unthinking, untactful, thoughtless,


unthoughtfulness, unselfish, tactful, considerate, thoughtful,

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