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improprieties Meaning in Tamil ( improprieties வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



improprieties's Usage Examples:

improprietyan>notice some suspicious financial improprieties I would say.

) and its glaring improprieties with the admirably conceived and admirably executed story in Genesis.

She proved equal to the occasion, partly because she was in all probability innocent of anything worse than a qualified acquiescence in Seymour's improprieties and a girlish admiration for his handsome face.

He was fellow, bursar and dean of his college, but in 1574 he resigned or was dismissed his fellowship and offices, for reasons which have been disputed, some alleging improprieties of conduct, and others suspected disloyalty.

A writer who was guilty of such improprieties had little right to blame the poet who made Hector quote Aristotle, and represented Julio Romano as flourishing in the days of the Oracle of Delphi.

The group disbanded that same year following allegations of improprieties against the group's managers by the boys' families.

improprietyis found murdered and a press conference is called to announce serious financial improprieties at the Farran Group, the mystery deepens.

improprietyttee reviewed the arrangements for staff to raise concerns about possible improprieties in the area of financial reporting or other issues.


inappropriateness, wrongness, behaviour, indecorousness, behavior, improperness, deportment, indecency, demeanour, indelicacy, indecorum, incorrectness, conduct, demeanor,


decorum, properness, propriety, decorousness, appropriateness, decency, correctness,

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