<< improved improvements >>

improvement Meaning in Tamil ( improvement வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சீர்திருத்தும் ஒன்று, செம்மை ஆக்குதல், முன்னேற்றம்,

improvement's Usage Examples:

In spite, however, of the improvement in trade that ultimately resulted from these measures, there was great depression; in 1825 there was a financial crisis that caused widespread ruin, and in 1826 the misery of the laboring poor led to renewed riots and machinery smashing.

In special cases, such as the preparation of edible oils and fats, a further improvement in colour and greater purity is obtained by filtering the oils over charcoal, or over natural absorbent earths, such as fuller's earth.

Meal mixed with pulped roots for a few hours improves in digestibility, and a sprinkling of salt is an improvement.

Loans on mortgage may also be granted to landowners and agricultural unions, with a view to the introduction of agricultural improvements.

from St George's Chatal to the sea was impeded at the commencement of the improvement works by eleven bends, each with a radius of less than 1000 ft.

However, just because they are more tolerable by the general public used does not mean they are a big improvement on kids cussing.

Blaeu's improvement consisted of putting the spindle of the screw through a square block which was guided in the wooden frame, and from this block the platen was suspended by wires or cords.

Although the processes are primitive and improvements are discouraged, both by the policy of the government and by an indolence and suspiciousness of innovation natural to the people themselves, fine crops of cereals are yielded, especially in the large wheat-lands of Hauran.

One of the greatest improvement projects undertaken by the national Reclamation Service is one on the North Platte, begun in 1903, which contemplates a reservoir in Wyoming of sufficient capacity to store all the surplus waters of that stream, about 600 m.

Under the gabella lease the contract lasts twenty-nine years, the lessee being obliged to make improvements, but being sometimes exempted from rent during the first years.

He was the author of military reforms, which included the improvement of artillery.

Still the progress of improvement was extremely slow, and the managers of gaols still evaded or ignored the acts.

The millions of roubles of redemption money received from the crown have been spent without any real or lasting agricultural improvements having been affected.


cleanup, fixture, rectification, modernisation, enrichment, humanisation, clarification, upgrade, fixing, correction, cleaning, betterment, redevelopment, tenderization, ventilation, airing, sweetening, stabilization, fix, mend, clearing, optimization, perfection, melioration, optimisation, upturn, enhancement, amelioration, cleansing, repair, reparation, development, renovation, change of state, humanization, stabilisation, mending, overhaul, reform, self-improvement, self-reformation, modernization, tenderisation,


destabilization, destabilisation, recede, break, worsen,

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