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impacts Meaning in Tamil ( impacts வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஒரு செயலின் விளைவு, அடியின் வேகம், விளைவு,

impacts's Usage Examples:

These deliver pragmatic, appropriate, transparent actions leading directly to positive impacts.

If it is the average distance irrespective of length of path and of number of impacts we should be justified in ascribing the effect to density, but if it is the number of impacts it would be more reasonable to ascribe it to pressure.

Respiratory illnesses can be caused by the poor air quality and groundwater is subject to some contamination as well, which can lead to a host of health impacts.

It sets out a challenging agenda for Departments in terms of identifying their major impacts, planning improvements, and monitoring and reporting performance.

In the first unit of time, the impacts are 2, 6, h, 2; and in the second 6, 2, h, 6.

contravene of the day gets bogged down in lowland European forests (thus contravening EU subsidy rules on avoiding concentrated trampling impacts.

inequitable distribution of resources leads to greater vulnerabilities to the impacts of climate change.

Gossipy co-workers are not just an annoyance, but they can also be a distraction that negatively impacts the quality of your work production.

It took a fact-finding visit to the Arctic to see for himself the impacts of climate change.

Producing paper encourages deforestation and other negative environmental impacts.

Consistency should then lead environmentalists to demand bans on green manure!Because these plans are linked with major environmental impacts, they are being vigorously opposed by environmentalists.

The homogeneity of vibration may also be diminished by molecular impacts, but the number of shocks in a given time depends on pressure and we may therefore expect to diminish the width of a line by diminishing the pressure.

The proposed expressway will pass through South Staffordshire resulting in significant social, environmental and economic impacts.


impinging, bump, blow, slam, striking, contact,


desensitise, depress, uncover, ignite, bring to,

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