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impaled Meaning in Tamil ( impaled வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கூரான ஆயுதம் கொண்டு துளை,

impaled's Usage Examples:

A nice little hot torch for the infantry!The Crème Brulee Cart, which hangs out around Dolores Park, serves up the city's best torched desserts for only "4 (as of 2010) for a 3-inch tin!You can be hung, impaled, suffocated in mud, torched, eaten and splattered across the screen in an instant.

impaled on spikes on the city walls of York.

Dean tuned her out when she described the miscreant becoming impaled on a giant icicle while fair what's-her-name laughed in his face as he slowly bled to death before her.

A horrible reign of terror ensued, in the course of which the ex-tsaritsa Eudoxia was dragged from her monastery and publicly tried for alleged adultery, while all who had in any way befriended Alexius were impaled, broken on the wheel and otherwise lingeringly done to death.

Irwin, 44, died in September after he was impaled by a stingray's barb while snorkeling off Australia.

Corey Feldman - Haim was crushed by Harvey Weinstein, then Feldman and Weinstein were both impaled by a pole Weinstein was sitting on.

Influence A graduate of Pavia, a learned lawyer, who translated of the Caesar and Cicero, composed works both in Latin Italian Re- and English, and habitually impaled his victims, he naissance.

The Queen had their heads impaled on spikes on the city walls of York.

impaled coat the bordure is not continued around the inner side.

impaled on the hook in a similar manner to ' J ' hooks.

impaled on the stakes.

He is said to have feasted amongst his impaled victims.


empale, thrust, pin, transfix, pierce, spear, spike,


defeat, bore, decrease, fall, unfasten,

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