<< imbecility imbedded >>

imbed Meaning in Tamil ( imbed வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உடலில் பதித்தல், உடலில் புகைத்தல்,

imbed's Usage Examples:

She climbed into the buggy and he followed her.

"Using it as a ladder, she climbed on the counter, stretching from her knees to reach the top shelf.

Cynthia gave their guest a hug and retreated down the hall to the Dean's quarters while Edith climbed the stairs.

Is he threatening you?The ATV climbed over large rocks, threatening to unseat them both at any moment.

Among the Archiannelida, in Aeolosoma and some Polychaetes, the whole central nervous system remains imbedded in the epidermis.

Lifting the covers, he climbed into bed and moved close to her.

Together they tossed the bale to the top of the pile and he climbed up to position it.

"I suppose this means it's inappropriate to fill Fred in on what happened at the Lucky Pup," Cynthia mused as they climbed the steps to Bird Song.

Nervous system often imbedded in the epidermis.

Gabe climbed them, forced to go sideways to make it up to the top.

They climbed a set of wide, sweeping stone stairs that led up to the building, past towering columns, and into an airy chamber without a ceiling.

He grabbed the child under his arm and after dropping the now limp boy on the other side, climbed back over.

The body, or " strobila," consists of a usually minute organ of attachment (scolex or its representative) which is imbedded in the intestinal membrane, and of a series of segments that arise from the base of the scolex and increase in size distally.


plant, introduce, insert, enter, embed, engraft, pot, infix, bury, sink, implant, nest,


detach, unplug, phase out, end, natural object,

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