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imbibed Meaning in Tamil ( imbibed வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



imbibed தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

மேலும், அண்மைய ஆட்சியாளர்களின் கல்லறைக் கோவில்கள் நீண்டகாலத்துக்கு முன் இறந்த பாரோக்களுக்கான கல்லறைக் கோவில்களுக்கு ஒதுக்கப்பட்ட வளங்களை உள்ளீர்த்துக்கொள்ளவும் முயற்சித்தன.

imbibed's Usage Examples:

Here he studied scholastic philosophy and theology under a pupil of Occam's, from whom he imbibed the nominalist conception of philosophy; in addition he studied canon law, medicine, astronomy and even magic, and apparently some Hebrew.

Here they readily imbibed the ideas of Louis XIV.

Antisthenes was a pupil of Socrates, from whom he imbibed the fundamental ethical precept that virtue, not pleasure, is the end of existence.

Ali is described as a bold, noble and generous man, "the last and worthiest of the primitive Moslems, who imbibed his religious enthusiasm from companionship with the prophet himself, and who followed to the last the simplicity of his example.

Tone was a Protestant, but he had imbibed socialist ideas, and hated the priests whose influence counteracted his own.

A brilliant examination for the degree of bachelor procured him, in 1588, admittance on the foundation to the university of Tubingen, where he laid up a copious store of classical erudition, and imbibed Copernican principles from the private instructions of his teacher and life-long friend, Michael Maestlin.

Here he imbibed in his earlier years a good measure of the hardy simplicity and strong seriousness which the later Romans attributed to the men of the early republic - characteristics which were supposed to linger in the Sabine land after they had fled from the rest of Italy.

In his chteau at Blois he drank greedily solutism of the cup of Renaissance art; but he found the under ~ exciting draughts of diplomacy which he imbibed ranc S from Machiavellis Prince even more intoxicating, and he headed the ship of state straight for the rock of absolutism.

For the moment the balance of his faculties seemed to be restored by a revival of the antagonistic sentiment of humanism which he had imbibed from the Oxford circle of friends, and specially from Erasmus.

Coleridge had imbibed his sentiments, and joined the ranks of his partisans.


sop up, blot, suck, draw, sponge up, absorb, wipe up, take up, take in, mop, mop up, soak up, suck up,


charge, dock, burden, lodge, saddle,

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