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identically Meaning in Tamil ( identically வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



identically தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஒரு முஸ்லிம் இஸ்லாத்தை பிதிநிதிப்படுத்தும் சமாதானம்,நலன்புரி மற்றும் சுபீட்சம் போன்ற அடையாளங்களையே கொண்டிருக்க முடியும்.

இந்தக் கருனிகள் பயனர்-பகுதியில் இருந்து மிகவும் குறைவான அடையாளங்களையே பெற்றிருந்தாலும் உள்நிலையில் மிகவும் மாறுபாட்டைக் கொண்டிருந்தது.

identically's Usage Examples:

Measure your backsplash in sections and mark off an identically sized area on the floor nearby.

This system of equations must involve the three conditions of equilibrium of the extraneous forces which are already identically satisfied, by hypothesis; there remain therefore 2n ~ independent relations to determine the 2n3 unknown stresses.

The nomenclature of the numerous ranges in this part of the Kuen-lun is extremely confusing, owing to different travellers having applied the same name to different ranges and to different travellers have applied different names to what is probably often identically the same range.

+amam) k vanishes identically unless (mod m).

Such a symbolic product, if its does not vanish identically, denotes an invariant or a covariant, according as factors az, bz, cz,.

On the ist of August Palmerston wrote to Ponsonby impressing upon him that the representatives of the powers, in their communications with the Porte, "should act not only simultaneously in point of time, but identically in point of manner" - a principle important in view of later developments.

The two forms ax, bx, or of, 0, may be identical; we then have the kth transvectant of a form over itself which may, or may not, vanish identically; and, in the latter case, is a covariant of the single form.

+XL vanishes identically, and X is indeterminate.

Even a quick trek to a local college campus would likely reveal an army of similar carryalls, swinging identically from the arms of coeds, perhaps in varying colors.

On the other hand, this corporeal thing is veritably and identically reason, mind, and ruling principle (X6-yos, vas, iiyE,uovtKOv); in virtue of its divine origin Cleanthes can say to Zeus, " We too are thy offspring," and a Seneca can calmly insist that, if man and God are not on perfect equality, the superiority rests rather on our side.

The quartic has four equal roots, that is to say, is a perfect fourth power, when the Hessian vanishes identically; and conversely.

For a single quantic of the first order (ab) is the symbol of a function of the coefficients which vanishes identically; thus (ab) a1b2-a2bl aw l -a1ao0 and, indeed, from a remark made above we see that (ab) remains unchanged by interchange of a and b; but (ab), -(ba), and these two facts necessitate (ab) o.

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