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identifications Meaning in Tamil ( identifications வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



identifications தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நகரின் ஒரு முக்கிய அடையாளச்சின்னம்".

identifications's Usage Examples:

superficiality of his descriptions of sites, and by some rash and untenable identifications: but it is at once a standard and the foundation of all subsequent topographical work in the country.

The true site can be determined, if at all, by excavation only; identifications based on mere outward similarity of names have always been fruitful sources of error.

However adequate these identifications may seem, the persistence of an independent clan or tribe of Cherethites-Cretans to the close of the 7th century would imply an unbroken chain of nearly six hundred years, unless, as is inherently more probable, later immigrations had occurred within the interval.

Other conjectural identifications of groups of symbols with the place-names Hamath, Marash, Tyana are bases of Sayce's system.

The Libyans are accompanied by allies whose names, Sherden, Shekelesh, Ekwesh, Lukku, Teresh, suggest identifications with Sardinians, Sicels, Achaeans, Lycians and Tyrseni or Etruscans.

The growth of legends and traditional identifications can be traced in the writings of the pilgrims who have visited the town from Jerome's time till our own.

The following identifications have been suggested: Birket Isra`il, near St Stephen's gate; a large cistern, near St Anne's church; the "Twin Pools," north of the Haram (the ancient Temple area); the Hammam esh-Shifa', or pool of healing, west of the Haram; the Virgin's fountain, south of the Haram; and the "Pool of Siloam.

Which, if any, of these identifications is correct, it is impossible to say.

), and find even such unexpected identifications as that of the Bona Dea - a cult title of the ancient Fauna, the female counterpart of the countryside numen Faunus - with a Greek goddess of women, Damia.

"The growth of legends and traditional identifications can be traced in the writings of the pilgrims who have visited the town from Jerome's time till our own.

The latter view implies that the oppressed Israelites left Egypt for one of its dependencies, and both theories find only conjectural identifications in the various stations recorded in Num.


finding, diagnosis, determination, diagnosing, designation,


nonvolatile storage, software, difference, direct evidence, circumstantial evidence,

identifications's Meaning in Other Sites