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hornbeam Meaning in Tamil ( hornbeam வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


hornbeam's Usage Examples:

'We find the living British species of Rhamnus, maple, sloe, hawthorn, apple, white-beam, guelder-rose, cornel, elm, birch, alder, hornbeam, hazel, oak, beech, willow, yew and pine, and also the spruce.

26), who describes its wood as red and easily split, classes the hornbeam with maples.

The oak, pine, beech, hornbeam and birch are the chief varieties of trees.

Cerris and the hop-hornbeam (Ostrya); of the second class the rare Cilician silver fir (Abies cilicica) may be noticed.

A large area is under forests, the oak, beech, fir, birch and hornbeam being the principal trees.

The garden includes magnolia, bold foliaged plants, common hornbeam and perennials to soften geometric lines.

Other species can be less massive, such as old hornbeam pollards, field maples or holly.

The Slovenian Forest Service first reported damage to hop hornbeam in 1997.

We find the living British species of Rhamnus, maple, sloe, hawthorn, apple, white-beam, guelder-rose, cornel, elm, birch, alder, hornbeam, hazel, oak, beech, willow, yew and pine, and also the spruce.

The wood of the hornbeam is white and close-grained, and polishes ill, is of considerable tenacity and little flexibility, and is extremely tough and hard to work - whence, according to Gerard, the name of the tree.

The trees chiefly used for the hedges, and the best for the purpose, are the hornbeam among deciduous trees, or the yew among evergreens.

The hornbeam thrives well on stiff, clayey, moist soils, into which its roots penetrate deeply; on chalk or gravel it does not flourish.


European hornbeam, Carpinus betulus, tree, Carpinus caroliniana, genus Carpinus, American hornbeam, Carpinus,



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