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hornblende Meaning in Tamil ( hornblende வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



hornblende தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


hornblende's Usage Examples:

The commonest hornblende is dark brown barkevicite.

At Inverell in New South Wales a diamond (1906) has been found embedded in a hornblende diabase which is described as a dyke intersecting the granite.

The same approach is now being applied to hornblende and plagioclase from amphibolite facies shear zones.

The other minerals found in the concentrates are pebbles and fragments of pyrope, zircon, cyanite, chrome-diopside, enstatite, a green pyroxene, mica, ilmenite, magnetite, chromite, hornblende, olivine, barytes, calcite and pyrites.

The olive green syenite found on Mount Ascutney, near the Connecticut river, in Windsor county, is a hornblendeaugite.

Quincy granite takes a very high polish, owing to the absence of mica and to the coarser cleavage of its hornblende and augite.

In addition to the reddish or brownish argillaceous matrix it contains fresh or decomposed crystals of volcanic minerals, such as felspar, augite, hornblende, olivine and pumiceous or palagonitic rocks.

Chlorite arises from biotite, augite and hornblende.

Magnesium is found widely distributed in nature, chiefly in the forms of silicate, carbonate and chloride, and occurring in the minerals olivine, hornblende, talc, asbestos, meerschaum, augite, dolomite, magnesite, carnallite, kieserite and kainite.

The mountains consist here of an ancient laminated micaceous quartzite, which is in parts a flexible sandstone known as itacolumite, and in parts a conglomerate; it is interbedded with clay-slate, mica-schist, hornblende-schist and haematite-schist, and intersected by veins of quartz.

serpentine into talc-schist, dolerite into hornblende-schist) by the same agencies.

A few hornblendeschists are metamorphosed gabbros; others have developed from dikes or sills of lamprophyre.

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