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hickory Meaning in Tamil ( hickory வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வட அமெரிக்க மர வகை, அம்மரத்தின் கட்டை,

hickory's Usage Examples:

The chief timber of indigenous growth is padouk (Pterocarpus dalbergioides) used for buildings, boats, furniture, fine joinery and all purposes to which teak, mahogany, hickory, oak and ash are applied.

"We also went nutting, and I helped them open the chestnut burrs and break the shells of hickory-nuts and walnuts--the big, sweet walnuts!Hickory, chestnut, locust, maple, beech, dogwood, and pawpaw are widely distributed.

But mixed with the oak and chestnut or higher up are considerable hickory, birch and maple; farther up the mountain sides are some hemlock and white pine; and on the swamp lands of the Coastal Plain are much cypress and some cedar, and on the Coastal Plain south of the Neuse there is much long-leaf pine from which resin is obtained.

Why a hickory tree?After emptying his revolver the pasha kept his assailants at bay for some time with his sword, a body of Baggara who fled before him being known afterwards as "Baggar Hicks" (the cows driven by Hicks), a play on the words baggara and baggar, the former being the herdsmen and the latter the cows.

Among deciduous trees the state is noted for its sugar maples; birch and beech are common on the hills, and oaks, elm, hickory, ash, poplar, basswood, willow, chestnut and butternut on the less elevated areas.

Green hickory finely split makes the woodchopper's kindlings, when he has a camp in the woods.

Among indigenous trees, shrubs and vines that bear edible fruits or nuts the state has the blackberry, grape, pawpaw, persimmon, plum, crabapple, hickory, chestnut and hazel nut.

portion the predominating trees were hickory, elm, oak and poplar.

We also went nutting, and I helped them open the chestnut burrs and break the shells of hickory-nuts and walnuts--the big, sweet walnuts!Turning now to outgrowths of a woody nature, the well-known burrs or knaurs, so common on elms and other trees are cases in point.

An American Aphid of the genus Pemphigus produces black, ragged, leathery and cut-shaped excrescences on the young branches of the hickory.

"An American Aphid of the genus Pemphigus produces black, ragged, leathery and cut-shaped excrescences on the young branches of the hickory.

He used to make a cable for his anchor of strips of hickory bark tied together.


big shagbark, big-bud hickory, pignut, king nut, shellbark, brown hickory, bitternut, nut tree, black hickory, bitter hickory, swamp hickory, big shellbark, pignut hickory, Carya tomentosa, king nut hickory, nutmeg hickory, bitter pignut, big shellbark hickory, shagbark hickory, shagbark, hickory tree, Carya myristicaeformis, Carya cordiformis, genus Carya, mockernut hickory, white-heart hickory, shellbark hickory, Carya aquatica, Carya, bitternut hickory, Carya myristiciformis, mockernut, water hickory, water bitternut, Carya laciniosa, Carya glabra, bitter pecan, Carya ovata,



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