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hickories Meaning in Tamil ( hickories வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வட அமெரிக்க மர வகை, அம்மரத்தின் கட்டை,

hickories's Usage Examples:

We first meet them out in the summer dusk on the edge of Haw Bank searching the high field, for what?On drier and higher soils are the persimmon, sassafras, red maple, elm, black haw, hawthorn, various oaks (in all 10 species occur), hickories and splendid forests of longleaf and loblolly yellow pine.

The most common species in the alluvial regions and, to a less degree, in the drier portions of the swamps and in the stream bottoms of the prairies are various oaks, black, sweet and tupelo gum, holly, cotton-wood, poplar, magnolia sweet bay, the tulip tree, catalpa, black walnut, pecans, hickories, ash, beech and short-leaf pine.

The whole lot contains eleven acres, mostly growing up to pines and hickories, and was sold the preceding season for eight dollars and eight cents an acre.

In most of the uplands of the Coastal Plain region the long-leaf pine is predominant, but large water-oaks and undergrowths of several other oaks and of hickories are not uncommon.

Ash, oaks, black and sweet gums, chestnuts, hickories, hard maple, beech, walnut and short-leaf pine are noteworthy among the trees of the Carolinian area; the tupelo and bald cypress of the embayment region, and long-leaf and loblolly pines, pecans and live oaks of the uplands, among those characteristic of the Austro-riparian.

In the Mountain Region at the bases of the mountains are oaks, hickories, chestnuts and white poplars: above these are hemlocks, beeches, birches, elms, ashes, maples and limes; and still higher up are spruce, white pine and balsam; and all but a comparatively few of the higher mountains are forest-clad to their summits.

In the Piedmont Plateau Region oaks, hickories and elms are the most common.

Early in May, the oaks, hickories, maples, and other trees, just putting out amidst the pine woods around the pond, imparted a brightness like sunshine to the landscape, especially in cloudy days, as if the sun were breaking through mists and shining faintly on the hillsides here and there.

What did a country hick know about proprieties anyway?The whole lot contains eleven acres, mostly growing up to pines and hickories, and was sold the preceding season for eight dollars and eight cents an acre.

In the Alleghanian Transition zone the chestnut, walnut, oaks and hickories of the South are interspersed among the beech, birch, hemlock and sugar maple of the North.

My house was on the side of a hill, immediately on the edge of the larger wood, in the midst of a young forest of pitch pines and hickories, and half a dozen rods from the pond, to which a narrow footpath led down the hill.

Closely allied to the walnuts, and sometimes confounded with them, are the hickories.


Carya ovata, bitter pecan, Carya glabra, Carya laciniosa, water bitternut, water hickory, mockernut, Carya myristiciformis, bitternut hickory, Carya, Carya aquatica, shellbark hickory, white-heart hickory, mockernut hickory, genus Carya, Carya cordiformis, Carya myristicaeformis, hickory tree, shagbark, shagbark hickory, big shellbark hickory, bitter pignut, nutmeg hickory, king nut hickory, Carya tomentosa, pignut hickory, big shellbark, swamp hickory, bitter hickory, black hickory, nut tree, bitternut, brown hickory, shellbark, king nut, pignut, big-bud hickory, big shagbark,



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