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heroi Meaning in Tamil ( heroi வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



heroi தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


heroi's Usage Examples:

"His readers needed most the moral heroism of fidelity to the Unseen, which made men "despise shame" due to aught that sinners in their unbelief might do to them (xii.

Cocci: spherical or spheroidal cells, which, according to their relative (not very well defined) sizes are spoken of as Micrococci, Macrococci, and perhaps Monas forms.

The Church Missionary Society came in 1804 and has worked heroically and successfully, though the largest mission now is that of the Wesleyans, who came in 1811, settling first at Sierra Leone.

The heroic defence of Londonderry owed much to them, as they were a majority of the population, and some of their ministers rendered conspicuous service.

of the town, laid out as a park, are the ruins of the old fortress, and a monument of Stephen Dob6, the heroic defender of the town against the assaults of the Turks in 1552.

The whole assemblage forms one of the four main sections of the Perissodactyla, namely the Titanotheroidea.

The heroine is the great-great-granddaughter of his former hero, Richard Carvel.

dark clouds of the horrors of war often seem to have a silver lining in the selfless heroism of individuals.

It has the formal interest of being one of the earliest, certainly one of the most extensive versedocuments in Scots written in five-accent, or heroic, couplets.

Uma Thurman - The Kill Bill action heroine may have some serious martial arts skills, but has admitted to being claustrophobic.

Feats of arms, great battles, heroic virtues, devoted friendships and atrocious crimes make the chronicles of China in the 5th, 6th and 7th centuries before the birth of Christ as attractive as those of France and England in the 14th and some other centuries after it.

His disappearance snapped the chief link with the heroic period, and removed from the helm of state a ruler of large heart, great experience and civil courage, at a moment when elements of continuity were needed and vital problems of internal reorganization had still to be faced.

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