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halations Meaning in Tamil ( halations வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஆணுறவு, பெண்ணுறவு,

halations's Usage Examples:

Nitrite of amyl inhalations are useful in the early stages when the respiratory muscles are freely movable.

"The miasmatic exhalations caused by the sun playing on stagnant waters after the floods give rise to the "Sennar fever," which drives even the natives from the plains to the southern uplands.

Movements are often coordinated with the breath, and the breath is strong, with full inhalations and exhalations, pulling air and blood through the body.

It is, however, a curious question how, considering the increase of carbonic acid by the decomposition of organic bodies and possible submarine exhalations of volcanic origin, the water has not in some places become saturated and a precipitate of amorphous calcium carbonate formed in the deepest water.

They are not exhalations like our daily colloquies and vaporous breath.

warned of the hazards of working with sulfurous exhalations and volatile chemicals.

The dioxide has been known since the earliest times and is found as a naturally occurring product in the gaseous exhalations of volcanoes and in solution in some volcanic springs.

Sulphur dioxide and sulphuretted hydrogen are present in volcanic exhalations and in many mineral waters.

Inhalations of the gas are of service in pneumonia, bronchitis, heart disease, asthma, angina and other conditions accompanied by cyanosis and dyspnoea.

The miasmatic exhalations caused by the sun playing on stagnant waters after the floods give rise to the "Sennar fever," which drives even the natives from the plains to the southern uplands.

Owing to the noxious exhalations of the surrounding forests the town is so extremely unhealthy during the hot weather as to have acquired the title of the "Abode of the Plague.

The patient should be instructed to seek medical advice if short-acting relief bronchodilator treatment becomes less effective or they need more inhalations than usual.

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