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haler Meaning in Tamil ( haler வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


haler தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

1939 பிறப்புகள் இந்திய தேசிய காங்கிரஸ் கட்சியின் நீல்காந்த் ஹாலர்ஸ்கர் கோவா சட்டமன்றத்தில் திவிம் தொகுதியை பிரதிநிதித்துவப்படுத்துகிறார்.

பின்னர் அவர் "பிரீஃப் இன்டர்வியூஸ் வித் ஹிடியஸ் மென்" (2009) என்ற நாடகத் திரைப்படத்திலும், நகைச்சுவை-நாடகத் திரைப்படமான "தி ஹாலர்ஸ்" (2016) என்ற திரைப்படத்திலும் இயக்கி நடித்தார்.

haler's Usage Examples:

Thaler', Sir William Huggins and H.

If a patient cannot use an inhaler to maintain long-term control, sustained-release theophylline is a good alternative.

There are some tips to help you, like keeping the preventer inhaler beside the toothbrush in the bathroom.

Other dry powder inhalers will have the medication either in disks or in the device itself.

was a school teacher and self-taught astronomer, who rated chronometers for Nantucket whalers, was an overseer of Harvard University (1857-1865), and for a time was employed by the United States Coast Survey.

Examples of these drugs include diuretics containing potassium supplements, compound inhalers, and various drugs of limited clinical value.

The "Shenandoah" was burning Union whalers in the Bering Sea when the war came to an end.

Thus, in 1611 or the following year whalers from Hull named it Trinity Island; in 1612 Jean Vrolicq, a French whaler, called it Ile de Richelieu; and in 1614 Joris Carolus named one of its promontories Jan Meys Hoek after the captain of one of his ships.

Are you willing to abdicate control in favor of a defined group esthetic?Founded in the 1950s by the Mühlethaler family, the French-owned business was helmed by experienced botanists and experts in phytotherapy and esthetic aromatherapy.

The Schwanthaler museum contains models of most of the great sculptor's works.

It comes in aerosol canisters, in capsules that are inserted into an inhaler, and in liquid form that is used in a nebulizer.

Other dangerous sharks include the tiger shark, mako, bronze and black- tipped whalers, and hammerhead.

Why would you ask a salesman in a washing machine shop, " Is water metered here?metered dose inhalers (MDI ).

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