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hagiology Meaning in Tamil ( hagiology வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


hagiology's Usage Examples:

To realize the present state of hagiology, the Bibliotheca hagiographica, both Latin and Greek, published by the Bollandists, and the Bulletin hagiographique, which appears in each number of the Analecta Bollandiana (see Bollandists), must be consulted.

But the bases of hagiology may fairly be said to have been laid at the time when hagiographic documents, hitherto dispersed, were first brought together into collections.

If hagiology be considered merely in the sense in which the term has come to be understood in the later stages of its development, i.

The accounts of his sister and niece have the defect of all hagiology; they are obviously written rather with a view to the ideas and the wishes of the writers than with a view to the actual and absolute personality of the subject.

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