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haha Meaning in Tamil ( haha வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


haha தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

சிஹாசாரனின் இளைய மகன் ஜெயசேனன், இவனுக்கு ஒரு மகன், சிஹாஹானு, மற்றும் ஒரு மகள், யசோதரை (இளவரசர் சித்தார்த்தாவின் மனைவியுடன் குழப்பமடையக்கூடாது), தேவதாஹாசக்காவை மணந்தார்.

கான்ஸ்டன்ஸ் ஏரிலிருந்து (சுன்ஹாஹாசென் (Schaffhausen) ஜூரிச் (Zürich) பாசல் (Basel) ஸ்டேட் (Stadt) மண்டலப் பகுதிகள் தவிர) ஏனைய ஜேர்மனிய-சுவிட்ஸைலாந்துப் பகுதிகளுக்கு ரைன் ஆறு, எல்லையாகத் தோற்றமளிக்கிறது.

சிஹாஹானு கக்கனாவை மணந்தார்.

haha's Usage Examples:

This gave rise to the later appellations Do-Dank and Chahar Dank, i.

At the present day, with the exception of the Chahar-sick, where there is always a certain amount of traffic, and where the great diversity of race and costume imparts much liveliness to the scene, Herat presents a very melancholy and desolate appearance.

As a sequel to the recent brouhaha with the fading five-pound note, it seems that the euro is suffering from a similar allergy.

The money brouhaha upset several family members on the show.

It divides the province into two almost equal portions; north of the river lie the districts of Saran, Champaran, Tirhoot, Purnea, and part of Monghyr and Bhagalpur, and south of it are Shahabad, Patna, Gaya, the Santal parganas, and the rest of Monghyr and Bhagalpur.

At Taxila (DehriShahan) and Nicaea (Mong) in the northern Punjab, at Alexandria (Uchch) in the southern Punjab, at Patala (Hyderabad) in Sind, and at other points along his route, he established military settlements of Greeks or allies.

Bite-sized brouhaha as was responsible to electric kool-aid acid focus on alcoholics ' .

The Shoshoni, Shahaptin and Salish tribes are of middle stature; on the coast of British Columbia, Puget Sound, in Oregon, and northern California, are the shortest of all the North Americans save the Eskimo, while among them, on the Columbia, are taller tribes.

After All Beys death Egypt became once more a dependency of the Porte, governed by Abul-Dhahab as Sheik al-Balad with the title pasha.

ARRAH, a town of British India, headquarters of Shahabad district, in the Patna division of Bengal, situated on a navigable canal connecting the river Sone with the Ganges.

Still, it was funny: haha y'see, clever huh.

The latest brouhaha has subsided without undermining that party's upper echelons but that would surely change if further damaging revelations were to emerge.

Salishan >>part; they belonged to many small tribes chiefly of the Salishan, Athapascan, Chinookan and Shahaptian stocks.

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