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hackney Meaning in Tamil ( hackney வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



hackney தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


hackney's Usage Examples:

As in the case of the hackney, so with the pony, thoroughbred blood has been used, and with good results, except in the case of those animals which have to remain to breed in their native haunts on the hills and moorlands.

Some hackneyed situations come across as fresh and funny.

Again like The Full Monty, Wondrous Oblivion weaves a number of darker, more interesting subplots around a fairly hackneyed central storyline.

This is a real shame as the role does have potential to really deliver a great performance, despite the rather hackneyed script.

The first noteworthy trotting hackney stallion, of the modern type, was a horse foaled about 1755, and known as the Schales, Shields or Shales horse, and most of the recognized hackneys of to-day trace back to him.

The hackney should also possess good hock action, as distinguished from mere fetlock action, the propelling power depending upon the efficiency of the former.

French hackney-coaches received the name of fiacre from the Hotel St Fiacre, in the rue St Martin, Paris, where one Sauvage, who was the first to provide cabs for hire, kept his vehicles.

These relate to obstructions Hackney and nuisances in streets, fires, places of public resort, hackney carriages and public bathing.

23) that it " does not deal in hackneyed rules and embraces the whole theory of oratory as laid down by Isocrates and Aristotle.

One hackneyed contemporary phrase is "a sense of identity.

Do you know any hackneyed clichés of yore?By a bold attack, in the manner of the Kharijites of yore, Tahir penetrated into the centre of the hostile army and killed Ali.

His inspiration may be traced in some measure to the Pre-Raphaelites and also to Blake, Shelley and Maeterlinck; but he found in his native Irish legend and life matter apt for his romantic and often elfin music, with its artful simplicities and unhackneyed cadences, and its elusive, inconclusive charm.


remise, rig, four-wheeler, equipage, hackney carriage, carriage, hackney coach,



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