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habilitate Meaning in Tamil ( habilitate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


habilitate's Usage Examples:

All male citizens over 21 years of age have the right to vote, except those under judicial interdiction and those judicially inhabilitated by reason of crime.

It does not seem that any maritime trade followed these discoveries, and indeed it is doubtful whether his contemporaries accepted the truth of Pytheas's narrative; Strabo four hundred years later certainly did not, but the critical studies of modern scholars have rehabilitated the Massilian explorer.

Response to strong events more than rehabilitated eagles that.

Elizabeth has been censured for having made no effort in later years to clear her mother's memory; but no vindication of Anne's character could have rehabilitated Elizabeth's legitimacy.

swan sanctuary in Egham to be cleaned and rehabilitated.

rehabilitated eagles that.

Cesar Millan, dog whisperer is quick to tell you that he rehabilitates dogs and trains people.

Finally, to the psychologist it spelt the failure of intellectualism, and encouraged, therefore, some form of rehabilitated experientialism.

59), which contains many documents, and tends somewhat to rehabilitate the Angevin rule.

Cesar rehabilitates up to thirty dogs at a time at his center.

Halberstadt, De imperatoris Domitiani moribus et rebus (Amsterdam, 1877), an attempt to rehabilitate Domitian; S.

His works also include a series of lectures on Roman history, entitled Catiline, Clodius, Tiberius (1878), in which he rehabilitates in some degree the character of each of his subjects, and Queen Elizabeth (1892), in the "Twelve English Statesmen" series.


dress up, shoe, coat, prim, garment, robe, garb, dress, gown, underdress, vest, get dressed, clothe, wrap up, overdress, raiment, enclothe, costume, apparel, change state, cover, vesture, prim out, habit, corset, fit out, shirt, tog, turn, overclothe, frock, prim up, jacket,


undress, overdress, underdress, dress down, uglify,

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