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habitable Meaning in Tamil ( habitable வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


குடியிருக்கத்தக்க, வசிக்கத்தக்க,

habitable தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

செங்கடலுக்கும்,கிழக்குப் பகுதியின் மலைகளுக்கும் இடையில் ஒரு குடியிருக்கத்தக்க பிரதேசம் அமைந்திருந்தது.

habitable's Usage Examples:

The conception of an encompassing ocean bounding the habitable world is found in the creation myths of the most ancient civilizations.

Good water is everywhere so scarce that but for the rain preserved in cisterns the country would be mostly uninhabitable.

He systematized the form of the land within the ring of ocean - the habitable world - by recognizing two continents: Europe to the north, and Asia to the south of the midland sea.

In 1881 President Roca offered for public purchase by auction the lands in the southwest of the province of Buenos Aires, the Pampa Central, and the Neuquen district, these lands having been rendered habitable after the campaign of 1878 against the Indians.

'Aristotle, too, gave greater definiteness to the idea of zones conceived by Parmenides, who had pictured a torrid zone uninhabitable by reason of heat, two frigid zones uninhabitable by reason of cold, and two intermediate temperate zones fit for human occupation.

The dense population was due to the elaborate irrigation of the Babylonian plain which had originally reclaimed it from a pestiferous and uninhabitable swamp and had made it the most fertile country in the world.

They are the termination of a stony plateau, containing several small oases, which southward joins the more arid and uninhabitable wastes of the Libyan Desert.

The Ionian geographers looked on the circular disk of the habitable world as surrounded by a mighty stream named Oceanus, the name of the primeval god, father of gods and men, and thus the bond of union between heaven and earth.

The following tips can help keep your teen's bedroom a safe, inhabitable space that won't bring to mind the last episode of "Hoarders" you watched.

Anciently the country on both sides of the Euphrates was habitable as far as the river Khabur; at the present time it is all desert from Birejik downward, the camping ground of Bedouin Arabs, the great tribe of Anazeh occupying esh-Sham, the right bank, and the Shammar the left bank, Mesopotamia of the Romans, now called elJezireh or the island.

The remainder of the province consists of a fertile steppe in the north-east (Sergiopol), and vast uninhabitable sand-steppes on the south of Lake Balkash.

In some places these insects constitute a veritable plague, and the infested regions are practically uninhabitable.

At Bothal on the river (from which parish that of Ashington was formed) is the castle originally belonging to the Bertram family, of which Roger Bertram probably built the gatehouse, the only habitable portion remaining, in the reign of Edward III.


inhabitable, liveable, livable,


unliveable, uninhabitable, unlivable,

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