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guillotine Meaning in Tamil ( guillotine வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

தலைவெட்டு பொறி

guillotine's Usage Examples:

The jury decided unanimously in the affirmative, and on the 16th of October 1793 Marie Antoinette was led to the guillotine, leaving behind her a touching letter to Madame Elizabeth, known as her "Testament.

He incurred the suspicion of Robespierre, was thrown into prison, and escaped the guillotine by an accident.

We do not have guillotine motions these days; instead we have program motions, which were recommended by the Modernisation Committee.

Forged letters, purporting to show his desire to abandon the revolutionary struggle, were published; he was accused of drawing more than his salary; his manners were ridiculed as "aping monarchy"; hints of the propriety of a guillotine for his benefit began to appear; he was spoken of as the "stepfather of his country.

In March 1904, Tisza, therefore, introduced a drastic " guillotine " motion to amend the standing orders of the House, but withdrew it in return for an undertaking from the Opposition that obstruction would cease.

The battle of Brcourt was a defeat without a fight for their party without stamina and their general without troops (July 13); while on the 31st of October their leaders perished on the guillotine, where they had been preceded by the queen, Marie Antoinette.

The club disowned Danton and Desmoulins and attacked Robespierre for his "moderation," but the new insurrection which it attempted failed, and its leaders were guillotined on the 24th of March 1794, from which date nothing is known of the club.

Material preparation includes guillotines, saws, profiling, pressing and forming up to 300 tons.

Edith at first looked shocked, but almost at once, her face melted to a resigned look—a condemned maiden mounting the guillotine steps, Joan of Arc as the match ignited her pyre.

Saint-Just's remedy was direct and terrible: he followed his experience in Paris, "organized the Terror," and soon the heads of all suspects sent to Paris were falling under the guillotine.

Discount business machines including paper trimmers, desktop and electronic paper guillotines.

At sundown on the 25th of July 1794, the very day of his condemnation on a bogus charge of conspiracy, Andre Chenier was guillotined.

His failure to fulfil the tasks imposed on him (especially that of the relief of Mainz) led to his being arrested, and he was guillotined (23rd June 1794) not long before the fall of Robespierre.


closure, closure by compartment, gag law, gag rule, cloture,



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