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gratified Meaning in Tamil ( gratified வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



gratified's Usage Examples:

Doubtless the secret fire of a consuming, but as yet ungratified, literary ambition also troubled his repose.

In addition to public applause, he was gratified by the more select praises of the highest living authorities in that branch of literature: " the candour of Dr Robertson embraced his disciple "; Hume's letter of congratulation " overpaid the labour of ten years.

The wish was gratified at the risk of the lives of three brave men, and he recognized the solemnity of the occasion by pouring out the water as an offering unto Yahweh.

"Not only possible, but true," replied Jim, who was gratified by the impression he had created.

Lord Ellenborough, who loved military display, had his tastes gratified by two more wars.

It has been concluded that in the latter part of his life he gratified the tendency to seclusion for which he was ridiculed in The Time Poets (Choice Drollery, 1656) by withdrawing from business and from literary life in London, to his native place; but nothing is known as to the date of his death.

His pride and ambition were gratified by the foundation of a sort of dynasty of his nephews and nieces, whose hands were sought by the noblest in the realm.

Here at last his long yearning for some great theme worthy of his historic genius was gratified.

The German diet of Regensburg (1439) ratified in the main the decrees of the council of Basel, which clearly gratified the electors, princes and prelates; and Germany for the first time joined the ranks of the countries which subjected the decrees of the highest ecclesiastical instance to the placet or approval of the civil authorities.

"She flung herself into his arms, gratified when he squeezed her hard.

Brisson, and Gay-Lussac hurried back to Paris in the hope, which was gratified, that he would be elected to the seat thus vacated in the Academy.

She soon tired of him, returned to Paris and gratified her whims in ways that caused some scandal.




discontented, displeased,

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