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grating Meaning in Tamil ( grating வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

தடுப்பு இரும்புக்கிராதி

grating's Usage Examples:

marc format provides a means of integrating metadata into existing systems.

In an engraved glass grating there is no opaque material present by which light could be absorbed, and the effect depends upon a difference of retardation in passing the alternate parts.

Rutherfurd introduced into common use the reflection grating, finding that speculum metal was less trying than glass to the diamond point, upon the permanence of which so much depends.

Our preliminary results indicate that cortical cells may be responding to temporal cues in flickering or moving gratings.

In the temperate parts of the Old World this species is perhaps the most abundant of the plovers, Charadriidae, breeding in almost every suitable place from Ireland to Japan - the majority migrating towards winter to southern countries, as the Punjab, Egypt and Barbary - though in the British Islands some are always found at that season.

In 1840 he was Privatdozent of theology at Tubingen, in 1847 professor of theology at Bern, in 1849 professor of theology at Marburg, migrating soon afterwards to the faculty of philosophy as the result of disputes with the Clerical party.

A recording drum or integrating apparatus may be arranged on the pulley frames.

E is then the co-ordinate relatively to 0 of any focal point 0' for which the retardation is R; and the required result is obtained by simply integrating (5) with respect to from - cc to +oo.

The new cavity configuration allowed tuning of the laser continuously over 25 nm of the erbium gain bandwidth by using a bulk diffraction grating.

The spectrometer more commonly used for astronomical work is the grating spectrometer more commonly used for astronomical work is the grating spectrometer.

reflectance measurements are made using either a scanning spectrophotometer fitted with an integrating sphere accessory, or a diode array spectrophotometer.

of the Illinois line who came from the East, who lived in dug-outs like the hillside burrows of the badger, and who did not go home in winter like the miners from southern Illinois and farther south, who were called "suckers," a name borrowed from the migrating fish in the Rock, Illinois and other rivers flowing south.


barrier, grille, radiator grille, grate,


simple, compound, even, ironed, fine,

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