<< grate grateful >>

grated Meaning in Tamil ( grated வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

இரும்புக் கிராதியுள்ள

grated's Usage Examples:

, and separated by high intermont valleys, which are choked with disintegrated material and divided into a chequered pattern of self-contained, shallow lacustrine basins.

He matriculated at Christ Church, Oxford, but migrated to Merton, where he obtained a fellowship.

The inhabitants (33,000), are mostly Little-Russians and Jews; there are also some Greeks, descendants of those who immigrated in the 17th century at the invitation of the Cossack chieftain Bogdan Chmielnicki.

These changes were integrated with the rest of the housing development.

I moved the scummy surface to one side, dropped in lots of grated cheese and bread and thought of England !He 's buying because he 's 32, earns 27k and is utterly pissed off with living in scummy HMOs on 6 month leases.

When Justinian in 529 closed the university of Athens, the last seat of paganism in the Roman empire, the last seven teachers of Neoplatonism emigrated to Persia.

Afterwards giving up the direction of these, he migrated to Monte Cassino and there established the monastery which became the centre whence his Rule and institute spread.

It has already been suggested that the principle of energy requires that the general expression for I 2 in (2) when integrated over the whole of the plane, n should be equal to A, where A is the area of the aperture.

On the other hand he speaks of the great anti-Teuton emperor Justinian, and of his reversal of the German conquests of the 5th century, in language which would certainly have grated on the ears of Totila and his heroes.

Jacket potato with cheese and coleslaw: 1 medium-sized jacket potato with 4tbsp reduced-calorie coleslaw, 3tbsp grated reduced-fat cheese and salad.

The last remnant migrated in 1841.

DAVID GLASGOW FARRAGUT (1801-1870), first admiral of the United States navy, was the son of Major George Farragut, a Catalan by descent, a Minorquin by birth, who had emigrated to America in 1776, and, after the peace, had married a lady of Scottish family and settled near Knoxville, in Tennessee; there Farragut was born on the 5th of July 1801.


framework, kitchen range, furnace, kitchen stove, grating, stove, range, cooking stove,


end, uncover, soothe, calm, please,

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