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godhead Meaning in Tamil ( godhead வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கடவுட் தன்மை,

godhead தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

சைவ சமயம் சார்ந்த இந்த நூல், உபநிடதங்களில் காணப்படும் சிவனது கடவுட் தன்மை குறித்த விடயங்களை ஒருங்கே எடுத்துரைக்கிறது.

godhead's Usage Examples:

Looking into the immensity of space, man also looks into the depths of godhead.

"The Persians, on the other hand, had a different conception of the godhead, and we have no proof that from them Alexander either required or received divine honours.

A further weakening of the dualism is indicated when, in the systems of the Valentinian school, the fall of Sophia takes place within the godhead, and Sophia, inflamed with love, plunges into the Bythos, the highest divinity, and when the attempt is thus made genetically to derive the lower world from the sufferings and passions of fallen divinity.

From most of the other Gnostic sects, with the exception perhaps of the JewishChristian Gnosticism, he is distinguished by the fact that with him the figure of the fallen female god (Sophia Achamoth), and, in general, the idea of a fall within the godhead is entirely wanting.

"From most of the other Gnostic sects, with the exception perhaps of the JewishChristian Gnosticism, he is distinguished by the fact that with him the figure of the fallen female god (Sophia Achamoth), and, in general, the idea of a fall within the godhead is entirely wanting.

Such a sage agrees in his thought with God; he no longer blames either God or man; he fails of nothing which he purposes and falls in with no misfortune unprepared; he indulges in neither anger nor envy nor jealousy; he is leaving manhood for godhead, and in his dead body his thoughts are concerned about his fellowship with God.


Sacred Trinity, hypostasis of Christ, Divine, Holy Trinity, hypostasis, Jehovah, Maker, Creator, God Almighty, Blessed Trinity, Almighty, Trinity, Lord,


Lady, female aristocrat, noblewoman,

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